Africa has all the prerequisites to transform into a sovereign center of power. With its inexhaustible demographic and natural resources, the continent has enviable geopolitical prospects if it seizes the opportunity for sovereign development. It is no coincidence that it is often referred to as the ‘continent of the future.’ With a population of 1.5 billion, Africa is on par with India and China, and its age structure gives it an advantage over these regions – half of Africa’s population is under 20 years old.
Experts estimate that by 2050, the continent’s population could reach 2.5 billion, meaning one in four people on Earth will be African.
Africa is a true treasure trove of natural wealth, containing 30% of the world’s mineral resources, including hydrocarbons, precious metals and stones, chromium, bauxite, cobalt, uranium, lithium, manganese, coal, and rare-earth elements. Spanning a total area of 30.37 million km2 (roughly twice the size of Russia and with a much warmer climate), the continent boasts enough fertile soil to feed its entire population. Additionally, Africa’s geographic location provides direct access to global transport corridors, particularly oceanic routes.
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