Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Gender | Ethnicity | Region | Continent | Tags |
Nathari |
NAH-thah-ree |
prose embroidery |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
nah, thah, ree, prose, embroidery, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Ndale |
n-DAH-leh |
prankster |
Male |
Ngoni |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, dah, leh, prankster, male, ngoni, malawi, africa |
Ndegwa |
DEHG-wah |
a bull |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
dehg, wah, a, bull, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Ndembo |
n-DEHM-boh |
elephant |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, dehm, boh, elephant, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Ndemi |
DEH-mee |
founders of the Agikuyu nation |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
deh, mee, founders, of, the, agikuyu, nation, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Nderu |
DEH-roo |
bearded one |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
deh, roo, bearded, one, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Ndweleifwa |
n-dweh-leh-EEF-wah |
I came with morning |
Male |
Nyakyusa |
Tanzania |
Africa |
n, dweh, leh, eef, wah, i, came, with, morning, male, nyakyusa, tanzania, africa |
Ndwiga |
DWEE-gah |
a giraffe |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
dwee, gah, a, giraffe, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Nemsi |
NEHM-see |
respectable |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
nehm, see, respectable, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Ngare |
GAH-ray |
a leopard |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
gah, ray, a, leopard, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Ngigi |
gee-GAY |
a grasshopper |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
gee, gay, a, grasshopper, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Ngolinga |
n-goh-LEENG-gah |
cry baby |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, goh, leeng, gah, cry, baby, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Ngombe |
n-GOHM-beh |
cow |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, gohm, beh, cow, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Ngonepe |
n-goh-NEH-poh |
repose |
Male |
Nyakyusa |
Tanzania |
Africa |
n, goh, neh, poh, repose, male, nyakyusa, tanzania, africa |
Ngozi |
n-GOH-zee |
blessing |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
n, goh, zee, blessing, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Ngumo |
GOO-moh |
fame |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
goo, moh, fame, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Ngunda |
n-GOON-,dah |
dove |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, goon, dah, dove, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Nguvumali |
GOO-voo-mah-lee |
power is wealth |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
goo, voo, mah, lee, power, is, wealth, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Niamoja |
nee-ah-moh-JAH |
one purpose |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
nee, ah, moh, jah, one, purpose, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Nikusubila |
nee-koo-see-BEE-lah |
hopeful |
Male |
Nyakyusa |
Tanzania |
Africa |
nee, koo, see, bee, lah, hopeful, male, nyakyusa, tanzania, africa |
Nizam |
nee-ZAHM |
discipliner arranger |
Male |
Arabic |
North Africa |
Africa |
nee, zahm, discipliner, arranger, male, arabic, north africa, africa |
Njama |
JAH-mah |
a council e.g. war council. |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
jah, mah, a, council, eg, war, council, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njata |
JAH-tah |
star |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
jah, tah, star, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njau |
JAH-oh |
strong calf |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
jah, oh, strong, calf, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njete |
n-JEH-teh |
salt |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, jeh, teh, salt, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Njiraini |
jay-rah-ee-NAY |
on the road |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
jay, rah, ee, nay, on, the, road, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njiru |
gee-ROH |
black one |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
gee, roh, black, one, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njogu |
joh-GOO |
elephant |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
joh, goo, elephant, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njora |
joh-RAH |
a scabbard i.e. for a sword |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
joh, rah, a, scabbard, ie, for, a, sword, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Njowga |
n-JOH-gah |
shoes |
Male |
Mwera |
Kenya |
Africa |
n, joh, gah, shoes, male, mwera, kenya, africa |
Njururi |
JOE-roh-ree |
wanderer |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
joe, roh, ree, wanderer, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Nkosi |
n-KOH-see |
ruler |
Male |
Zulu |
South Africa |
Africa |
n, koh, see, ruler, male, zulu, south africa, africa |
Nkrumah |
n-KROO-mah |
ninth born |
Male |
Akan |
Ghana |
Africa |
n, kroo, mah, ninth, born, male, akan, ghana, africa |
Nkuku |
n-koo-koo |
rooster |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, koo, koo, rooster, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Nkundiushuti |
n-koon-deen-SHOO-tee |
I love people |
Male |
Rwanda |
Rwanda |
Africa |
n, koon, deen, shoo, tee, i, love, people, male, rwanda, rwanda, africa |
Nmeregini |
n-MEH-reh-ghee-nee |
what have I done? |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
n, meh, reh, ghee, nee, what, have, i, done, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Nnamdi |
n-NAHM-dee |
fathers name lives on |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
n, nahm, dee, fathers, name, lives, on, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Nnanna |
n-NAHN-nah |
grandfather |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
n, nahn, nah, grandfather, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Nolizwe |
noh-leez-WEH |
the nation |
Male |
Xhosa |
South Africa |
Africa |
noh, leez, weh, the, nation, male, xhosa, south africa, africa |
Nonceba |
nong-CHEH-bah |
mercy |
Male |
Xhosa |
South Africa |
Africa |
nong, cheh, bah, mercy, male, xhosa, south africa, africa |
Nosakhere |
noh-SAH-keh-reh |
Gods way is the only way |
Male |
Benin |
Nigeria |
Africa |
noh, sah, keh, reh, gods, way, is, the, only, way, male, benin, nigeria, africa |
Nsoah |
n-soh-AH |
seventh born |
Male |
Akan |
Ghana |
Africa |
n, soh, ah, seventh, born, male, akan, ghana, africa |
Nsomba |
n-SOHM-bah |
fish |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, sohm, bah, fish, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Nuru |
NOO-roo |
born in daylight |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
noo, roo, born, in, daylight, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Nwabudike |
NWAH-boo-dee-KEH |
son is the fathers power |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
nwah, boo, dee, keh, son, is, the, fathers, power, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Nyachae |
NYAH-chah-ay |
generous |
Male |
Kisii |
Kenya |
Africa |
nyah, chah, ay, generous, male, kisii, kenya, africa |
Nyaga |
NYAH-gah |
brightness or Ostrich |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
nyah, gah, brightness, or, ostrich, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Nyamekye |
n-yah-MEH-kee-eh |
Gods gift |
Male |
Akan |
Ghana |
Africa |
n, yah, meh, kee, eh, gods, gift, male, akan, ghana, africa |
Nyamu |
NYAH-moh |
animal |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
nyah, moh, animal, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Nyatui |
n-YAH-too-ee |
fighter of leopards |
Male |
Abaluhya |
Kenya |
Africa |
n, yah, too, ee, fighter, of, leopards, male, abaluhya, kenya, africa |
Nyemba |
n-YEM-bah |
beans |
Male |
Ngoni |
Malawi |
Africa |
n, yem, bah, beans, male, ngoni, malawi, africa |
Nyillingondo |
nee-yee-leen-GOHN-do |
handsome |
Male |
Rwanda |
Rwanda |
Africa |
nee, yee, leen, gohn, do, handsome, male, rwanda, rwanda, africa |
Nyoike |
NYOH-ee-keh |
stands alone |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
nyoh, ee, keh, stands, alone, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Nyuni |
NYU-nee |
bird |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
nyu, nee, bird, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Oba |
AW-bah |
king |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, king, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obadele |
aw-bah-DEH-leh |
the king arrives at the house |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, deh, leh, the, king, arrives, at, the, house, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obafemi |
aw-bah-FEH-mee |
the king likes me |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, feh, mee, the, king, likes, me, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obanjoko |
aw-ban-JOH-koh |
the king is enthroned |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, ban, joh, koh, the, king, is, enthroned, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obaseki |
aw-BAH-seh-kee |
the kings influence goes beyond the market |
Male |
Benin |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, seh, kee, the, kings, influence, goes, beyond, the, market, male, benin, nigeria, africa |
Obataiye |
aw-bah-TAH-ee-yeh |
king of the world |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, tah, ee, yeh, king, of, the, world, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obawole |
aw-bah-WOH-leh |
the king enters the house |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, woh, leh, the, king, enters, the, house, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obayana |
aw-bah-YAH-nah |
the king warms himself at the fire |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, bah, yah, nah, the, king, warms, himself, at, the, fire, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Obuya |
OH-boo-yah |
born when the garden was overgrown |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, boo, yah, born, when, the, garden, was, overgrown, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Ochieng |
OH-chee-eng |
born at mid day |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, chee, eng, born, at, mid, day, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Ochieng |
OH-chee-eng |
born in the daytime |
Male |
Luo |
Uganda |
Africa |
oh, chee, eng, born, in, the, daytime, male, luo, uganda, africa |
Ode |
oh-DEH |
one born along the road |
Male |
Benin |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, deh, one, born, along, the, road, male, benin, nigeria, africa |
Odiinkemelu |
oh-deem-KEH-meh-loo |
I have done nothing wrong |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, deem, keh, meh, loo, i, have, done, nothing, wrong, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Odikinyi |
OH-dee-key-nyee |
born in the early morning |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, dee, key, nyee, born, in, the, early, morning, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Odion |
OH-dee-on |
first of twins |
Male |
Benini |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, dee, on, first, of, twins, male, benini, nigeria, africa |
Odongo |
OH-dohn-goh |
second of twins |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, dohn, goh, second, of, twins, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Odour |
OH-doo-oh-rr |
born after midnight |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, doo, oh, rr, born, after, midnight, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Ogbonna |
oh-BOHN-nah |
image of his father |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, bohn, nah, image, of, his, father, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Ogonna |
oh-GOH-nah |
father in law |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, goh, nah, father, in, law, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Ogunkeye |
oh-GOON-keh-yeh |
the god Ogun has gathered honor |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, goon, keh, yeh, the, god, ogun, has, gathered, honor, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Ogunsanwo |
oh-GOON-shahn-wo |
help comes from Ogun god of war |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, goon, shahn, wo, help, comes, from, ogun, god, of, war, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Ogunsheye |
oh-GOON-sheh-yeh |
the god Ogun had acted honorably |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, goon, sheh, yeh, the, god, ogun, had, acted, honorably, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Ogwambi |
oh-GWAHM-bee |
always unfortunate |
Male |
Luganda |
Uganda |
Africa |
oh, gwahm, bee, always, unfortunate, male, luganda, uganda, africa |
Ohon |
OH-hon |
the name is preserved: after the death of an elder. |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, hon, the, name, is, preserved, after, the, death, of, an, elder, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Ojo |
oh-JOH |
born in a difficult delivery |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, joh, born, in, a, difficult, delivery, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Ojore |
oh-joh-REH |
a man of war |
Male |
Ateso |
Uganda |
Africa |
oh, joh, reh, a, man, of, war, male, ateso, uganda, africa |
Ojore |
oh-joh-REH |
a warrior |
Male |
Ateso |
Uganda |
Africa |
oh, joh, reh, a, warrior, male, ateso, uganda, africa |
Ojwang |
OH-jwahn-g |
survived despite neglect |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, jwahn, g, survived, despite, neglect, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Okafor |
oh-KAH-for |
born on Afor market day |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, kah, for, born, on, afor, market, day, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Okanlawon |
oh-kahn-LAH-wohn |
son born after several daughters |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, kahn, lah, wohn, son, born, after, several, daughters, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Okechuku |
oh-keh-CHOO-koo |
Gods gift |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, keh, choo, koo, gods, gift, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Okeke |
oh-KEH-keh |
born on the market day |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, keh, keh, born, on, the, market, day, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Okello |
OH-keh-loh |
born after twins |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, keh, loh, born, after, twins, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Okeyo |
OH-keh-yoh |
born during the harvest |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, keh, yoh, born, during, the, harvest, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Oko |
oh-KOH |
elder of twins |
Male |
Ga |
Ghana |
Africa |
oh, koh, elder, of, twins, male, ga, ghana, africa |
Okonkwo |
oh-KOHNq-kwoh |
born on Nkwo market day |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, kohnq, kwoh, born, on, nkwo, market, day, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Okorie |
oh-KOH-ree-eh |
born on Oryo market day |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, koh, ree, eh, born, on, oryo, market, day, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Okoth |
OH-koh-th |
born during the rainy season |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, koh, th, born, during, the, rainy, season, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Okoth |
oh-KOTH |
born when it was raining |
Male |
Luo |
Uganda |
Africa |
oh, koth, born, when, it, was, raining, male, luo, uganda, africa |
Okpara |
ok-PAH-rah |
first son |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
ok, pah, rah, first, son, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Ola |
AW-lah |
wealth |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, wealth, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Oladele |
aw-lah-DEH-leh |
honors wealth arrive at home |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, deh, leh, honors, wealth, arrive, at, home, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olafemi |
aw-lah-FEH-mee |
wealth honor favors me |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, feh, mee, wealth, honor, favors, me, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olamina |
aw-lah-MEE-nah |
this is my wealth |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, mee, nah, this, is, my, wealth, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olaniyan |
aw-lah-NEE-yahn |
honors surround me |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, nee, yahn, honors, surround, me, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olatunji |
aw-lah-TOON-jee |
honor reawakens |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, toon, jee, honor, reawakens, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olu |
OH-loo |
preeminent |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, preeminent, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olubayo |
oh-loo-BAH-yoh |
highest joy |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, bah, yoh, highest, joy, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olufemi |
oh-loo-FEH-mee |
God loves me |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, feh, mee, god, loves, me, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olugbala |
oh-LOO-bah-lah |
savior of the people |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, bah, lah, savior, of, the, people, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olugbodi |
oh-LOO-boh-dee |
child born with extra fingers or toes |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, boh, dee, child, born, with, extra, fingers, or, toes, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olujimi |
oh-loo-JEE-mee |
God gave me this |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, jee, mee, god, gave, me, this, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Olukayode |
oh-loo-KAH-yoh-deh |
my lord brings happiness |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
oh, loo, kah, yoh, deh, my, lord, brings, happiness, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Oluniide |
olr-loo-MEE-deh |
my lord arrives |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
olr, loo, mee, deh, my, lord, arrives, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |