Name | Pronunciation | Meaning | Gender | Ethnicity | Region | Continent | Tags |
Suma |
SOO-mah |
ask |
Female |
Nyakyusa |
Tanzania |
Africa |
soo, mah, ask, female, nyakyusa, tanzania, africa |
Kibasira |
KEE-bah-see-rah |
insight |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
kee, bah, see, rah, insight, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Manani |
MAH-nah-nee |
almighty |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
mah, nah, nee, almighty, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Amonke |
ah-mohn-KEH |
to know her is to pet her |
Female |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
ah, mohn, keh, to, know, her, is, to, pet, her, female, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Shaabani |
SHAH-bah-nee |
eigth month |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
shah, bah, nee, eigth, month, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Anasa |
AH-nah-sah |
entertainment |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
ah, nah, sah, entertainment, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Sadikika |
SAH-dee-kee-kah |
Trustworthy |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
sah, dee, kee, kah, trustworthy, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Mahbub |
MAH-boob |
beloved |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
mah, boob, beloved, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Themba |
TEHM-bah |
hope |
Male |
Xhosa |
South Africa |
Africa |
tehm, bah, hope, male, xhosa, south africa, africa |
Fasaha |
fah-SAH-hah |
eloquence |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
fah, sah, hah, eloquence, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Durah |
doo-RAH |
pearl |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
doo, rah, pearl, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Turkiya |
TOO-kee-yah |
beautiful |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
too, kee, yah, beautiful, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Ayobunmi |
ah-yoh-BOON-mee |
joy is given to me |
Female |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
ah, yoh, boon, mee, joy, is, given, to, me, female, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Mwinyi |
m-WEEN-yee |
King |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
m, ween, yee, king, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Malika |
MAH-lee-kah |
queen |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
mah, lee, kah, queen, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Coffie |
koh-FEE |
born on Friday |
Male |
Ewe |
Ghana |
Africa |
koh, fee, born, on, friday, male, ewe, ghana, africa |
Kajakafwile |
kah-jah-kah-FWEE-leh |
the town is dead |
Male |
Nyakyusa |
Tanzania |
Africa |
kah, jah, kah, fwee, leh, the, town, is, dead, male, nyakyusa, tanzania, africa |
Gacoki |
GAH-sho-key |
one who returns |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
gah, sho, key, one, who, returns, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Omar |
OH-mar |
the highest of Muhammads followers |
Male |
Arabic |
North Africa |
Africa |
oh, mar, the, highest, of, muhammads, followers, male, arabic, north africa, africa |
Jauhar |
JAH-ooh-hah |
jewel |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
jah, ooh, hah, jewel, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Jaramogi |
JAH-rah-moh-ghee |
courageous |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
jah, rah, moh, ghee, courageous, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Bashira |
BAH-shee-RAH |
predictor of good news |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
bah, shee, rah, predictor, of, good, news, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Tichawonna |
tee-CHAH-oh-nah |
we shall see |
Male |
Shona |
Zimbabwe |
Africa |
tee, chah, oh, nah, we, shall, see, male, shona, zimbabwe, africa |
Chinelo |
CHEE-neh-loh |
thoughts of God |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
chee, neh, loh, thoughts, of, god, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Sowande |
shoh-WAHN-deh |
the wise healer sought me out |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
shoh, wahn, deh, the, wise, healer, sought, me, out, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Mwanadongo |
MWAH-nah-dohn-goh |
child of the earth |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
mwah, nah, dohn, goh, child, of, the, earth, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Ndemi |
DEH-mee |
founders of the Agikuyu nation |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
deh, mee, founders, of, the, agikuyu, nation, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Kinjikitile |
keen-JEE-kee-tee-leh |
he killed himself |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
keen, jee, kee, tee, leh, he, killed, himself, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Lugono |
loo-GOH-noh |
sleep |
Male |
Ngoni |
Malawi |
Africa |
loo, goh, noh, sleep, male, ngoni, malawi, africa |
Bilaal |
bee-LAHL |
calls to prayer |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
bee, lahl, calls, to, prayer, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Bitisururu |
BEE-tee-soo-roo-roo |
daughter of happiness |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
bee, tee, soo, roo, roo, daughter, of, happiness, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Gatete |
GAH-teh-teh |
a milk gourd |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
gah, teh, teh, a, milk, gourd, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Odour |
OH-doo-oh-rr |
born after midnight |
Male |
Luo |
Kenya |
Africa |
oh, doo, oh, rr, born, after, midnight, male, luo, kenya, africa |
Firdawsi |
FEE-daw-SEE |
paradise beautiful garden |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
fee, daw, see, paradise, beautiful, garden, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Kigongo |
kee-GONG-goh |
born before twins |
Male |
Luganda |
Uganda |
Africa |
kee, gong, goh, born, before, twins, male, luganda, uganda, africa |
Marjani |
mahr-JAH-nee |
coral |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
mahr, jah, nee, coral, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Amaad |
ah-mad |
support |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
ah, mad, support, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Haji |
HAH-jee |
born during the month of pilgrimage to Mecca |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
hah, jee, born, during, the, month, of, pilgrimage, to, mecca, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Mwarania |
MWAH-rah-nia |
brings together negotiator |
Male |
Kikuyu |
Kenya |
Africa |
mwah, rah, nia, brings, together, negotiator, male, kikuyu, kenya, africa |
Madu |
MAH-doo |
people |
Male |
Ibo |
Nigeria |
Africa |
mah, doo, people, male, ibo, nigeria, africa |
Dawa |
dah-WAH |
medleine |
Female |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
dah, wah, medleine, female, swahili, east africa, africa |
Chiwanda |
chee-WAN-dah |
mad |
Male |
Yao |
Malawi |
Africa |
chee, wan, dah, mad, male, yao, malawi, africa |
Zahor |
ZAH-hor |
blooming |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
zah, hor, blooming, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Adedapo |
ah-DEH-dah-poh |
royalty brings the people together |
Male |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
ah, deh, dah, poh, royalty, brings, the, people, together, male, yoruba, nigeria, africa |
Mwalimu |
MWAH-lee-moo |
teacher |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
mwah, lee, moo, teacher, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Adom |
ah-DOHM |
help from God |
Male |
Akan |
Ghana |
Africa |
ah, dohm, help, from, god, male, akan, ghana, africa |
Lerato |
leh-RAH-toh |
love |
Female |
Tswana |
Botswana |
Africa |
leh, rah, toh, love, female, tswana, botswana, africa |
Muhidini |
MUH-hee-dee-nee |
revivalist |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
muh, hee, dee, nee, revivalist, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Mbwelera |
m-b,weh-LEH-rah |
return |
Male |
Ngoni |
Malawi |
Africa |
m, b, weh, leh, rah, return, male, ngoni, malawi, africa |
Sekelaga |
seh-keh-LAH-gah |
rejoice |
Female |
Nyakyusa |
Tanzania |
Africa |
seh, keh, lah, gah, rejoice, female, nyakyusa, tanzania, africa |
Imara |
EE-mah-rah |
Stamina strength |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
ee, mah, rah, stamina, strength, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Rijaal |
REE-jahl |
man |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
ree, jahl, man, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Jawaad |
JAH-wahd |
generous |
Male |
Swahili |
East Africa |
Africa |
jah, wahd, generous, male, swahili, east africa, africa |
Olabunmi |
aw-lah-BOON-mee |
honor has rewarded me |
Female |
Yoruba |
Nigeria |
Africa |
aw, lah, boon, mee, honor, has, rewarded, me, female, yoruba, nigeria, africa |